Carson Bay
Research Associate & Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Carson Bay, previously the Academic Coordinator for the project, serves as a Postdoctoral Fellow within “Interactive Histories, Co-Produced Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam” and as Research Associate at the Institute for Advanced Study - Princeton. Dr. Bay’s research has tended to focus on the writings and multilingual reception of Flavius Josephus by Christians and Jews from late antiquity through the Middle Ages. His first book, Biblical Heroes & Classical Culture in Christian Late Antiquity: The Historiography, Exemplarity, and Anti-Judaism of Pseudo-Hegesippus (Cambridge University Press, 2023), received the Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award. His current work examines the interchange and co-production at work between the Hebrew Sefer Yosippon, an important piece of early-medieval Jewish historiography, and its Latin Christian sources. As a literary historian, Dr. Bay maintains a particular interest in the philological, lexicographical, linguistic, and scribal aspects of religious co-production among pre-modern Jews, Christians, and Muslims.