Dina el-Omari

Professor for Intercultural Religious Education, University of Münster

Portrait of Dina el-Omari

Dina El Omari is Muslim theologian and Professor for Intercultural Religious Education in the Center for Islamic Theology at the Westphalian Wilhelm University of Münster. Her research interests include Qur’an and Qur’anic exegesis, Islamic Feminism, contemporary gender-appropriate approaches to the Qur’an and interreligious studies. El Omari is a member of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation” project at the University of Münster, which investigates the complex relationship between religion and politics across eras and cultures. Within the Cluster of Excellence, she heads “The Ambiguity of Islamic-Emancipatory Discourse in Past and Present” project. Her many publications include Koranische Geschlechterrollen in Schöpfung und Eschatologie: Versuch einer historisch-literaturwissenschaftlichen Korankommentierung and Schrift im Streit – jüdische, christliche und muslimische Perspektiven. Auf dem Weg zu einer interreligiösen Hermeneutik (2020). El Omari was educated at the Westphalian Wilhelm University of Munster where she earned her M.A. (2008) and Ph.D. (2012).

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