Yousef Casewit

Professor of Qur’anic Studies, University of Chicago

Portrait of Yousef Casewit

Yousef Casewit is Associate Professor of Qur’anic Studies in the Divinity School and in the College at the University of Chicago. He studies and teaches in the areas of Qur’anic Studies, Islamic intellectual history of Spain and North Africa, medieval commentaries on the divine names, Muslim perceptions of the Bible, Sufism, Islamic ethics, and theology. Prior to joining the Divinity School, Casewit was a Humanities Research Fellow at New York University Abu Dhabi and an assistant professor of Arabic intellectual heritage and culture at the American University of Sharjah. His most recent monograph, The Mystics of al-Andalus: Ibn Barrajan and Islamic Thought in the Twelfth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2017), explores how pioneers of Islamic mysticism in the Muslim West synthesized Muslim scriptural sources and Neoplatonic cosmology. The Mystics was awarded the Iran World Book Award of the Year (2019). He is also co-editor of A Qurʾān Commentary by Ibn Barrajān of Seville (2016), and is currently working on the Ashʿarī-Sufi ethics of the twelfth century Andalusī scholar known as Ibn al-Marʾa. Casewit was educated at Yale University, where he earned his M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in Islamic Studies. He holds a B.A. from The George Washington University.

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